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Armor Enterprise Cloud

For Armor Enterprise Cloud, this section of the invoice lists charges for additional features or add-on products for a virtual machine, such as:

  • SSL VPN accounts

  • Advanced Backup

  • Vulnerability scans

Armor Anywhere

For Armor Anywhere, this section of the invoice lists charges for CORE services, as well as additional features or add-on products.




This column displays the product category associated with the invoice line item.

Product Name / Description

This column displays the product name and description of the invoice line item.

For virtual machines, the hyperlinked virtual machine friendly name and virtual machine ID will also display.

Service Period

This column displays the billing period associated with the invoice line item.


This column displays the rate of the invoice line item.


This column displays the quantity of the invoice line item.

Item Total

This column displays the total amount being billed for the invoice line item.

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