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Payment Methods

To fully use this screen, you must add the following permissions to your account:

  • View Invoices

  • Read Payment Information

  • Update Payment Information

Payment Methods

Credit Card

You cannot edit the details of an existing credit card. If you have received a new credit card with an updated expiration date, then you must add the card as a new payment method.

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Payment Methods.

  3. Hover over the plus ( + ) icon.

  4. Click the Add Credit Card icon.

  5. Complete the missing fields.

  6. Click Save Payment Method.

To set this credit card as the primary payment method:

  1. Locate and hover over the newly added credit card.

  2. Click the vertical ellipses.

  3. Select Set as Primary.

Bank Account

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Payment Methods.

  3. Click the plus ( + ) icon.

  4. Click the Add ACH icon.

  5. Complete the missing fields.

  6. Click Save Payment Method.

To set this bank account as the primary payment method:

  1. Locate and hover over the newly added bank account.

  2. Click the vertical ellipses.

  3. Select Set as Primary.

New Primary Payment Method

Select a New Primary Payment Method

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Payment Methods.

  3. Locate and hover over the desired payment method.

  4. Click the vertical ellipses.

  5. Select Set as Primary.

Delete a Payment Method

You cannot delete a primary payment method.

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the left-side navigation, click Account.

  2. Click Payment Methods.

  3. Locate and hover over the desired payment method.

  4. Click the vertical ellipses.

  5. Click Delete.

Invoice and Billing Notifications

Armor recommends that you sign up for billing notifications to receive an update when:

  • An invoice has posted.

  • An invoice is past due (2, 10, 15, 25, and 30 days).

  • A payment method will soon expire (1, 15, and 30 days).

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), in the top, right corner, click the vertical ellipses.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Click Notification Preferences.

  4. Next to Billing, use the slider to make your desired changes.

    • Select Alert to receive notifications in the top bar in the Armor Management Portal (AMP).

    • Select Email to receive notifications through email.

    • You can select both notification options.

  5. Click Update Notification Preference to save your changes.

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