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Armor Agent for Servers (AA) Installation

After you complete the Sales process, you will receive an email to access the Armor Management Portal (AMP) for the first time.

Install the Armor Agent

Based on your operating system, select the appropriate document to learn how to install the Armor Agent:

Accounts Created

Information on the user accounts created per the install

  • armoradmin

    • created with the armor credential command

    • This is the user that is now used with our remote support application.

    • On Linux

      • A sudoers file is created if not already, and the user is added to the list

      • The user is also added to sshd_config

    • On Windows

      • If the machine is detected as a domain controller, the user is not created

      • The user is added to groups Administrators and Remote Desktop Users

  • remotesupport

    • On Linux

      • This user is only added when the remote-support install command is executed.

      • Our remote support application service runs under this user


    • On Windows, this is the user the Armor Agent service.

    • The Armor Agent does not create nor interact with any settings of this user.


    • On Windows, this is the user the Armor supervisor runs as via scheduled tasks.

    • The Armor Agent does not create nor interact with any settings of this user.

  • root

    • On Linux, this is the user the armor agent and armor supervisor (via cron) run under.

    • The Armor agent does not create nor interact with any settings of this user.

    • This user must not be disabled nor have it's password expired so that cron will continue to run.

      • This is needed for the armor supervisor to heartbeat on an interval.

      • The supervisor is a secondary agent which is mainly used for stopping/starting the armor agent via scheduled Toolbox tasks and updating the Armor Agent.

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