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Create a Net New Colocation Device

You can use this document to add a new colocation device with Armor. 

Add a New Colocation Device

  1. In the Armor Management Portal (AMP), open a support ticket and request to receive the New Colocation Request form.

    • In order to receive the correct form, in the ticket, indicate your data center.

    • To learn how to send a support ticket, see Armor Support.

  2. Attach the completed form to the ticket.

  3. Armor will respond with relevant details. In your response, add the following information:

    • Approval for quote charges

    • LOA for new circuit

      • You must list Armor Defense as the data center contact.

    • Tracking numbers for all equipment

    • Return shipping information (in case a box needs to be returned to customers). Armor does not store shipping equipment.

  4. Armor will update the ticket once all the equipment has been installed.

  5. Armor will schedule a call to test and troubleshoot the connectivity.

  6. Armor will schedule another call to ensure the work is complete.

SIN01 Collocation Request Form.docx

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