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Response Dashboard

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In the Response screen, the Response score includes information about the response time between you and Armor for Security Incidents.

Security Incidents are open or pending support tickets that are considered important, security-focused issues.

Widgets and Graphs



Response Score

This widget displays the combined average times from the Average Armor Response Time score and the Average Customer Response Time score.

Average Armor Response Time

This widget displays Armor's average time to respond to a Security Incident.
To learn how these scores are calculated, see Calculations for Average Response Time.

Average Customer Response Time

This widget displays your average time to respond to a Security Incident.
To learn how these scores are calculated, see Calculations for Average Response Time.

Response Score Trend

This graph displays the history of your response scores.

Overall Armor Dwell Time

This graph displays Armor's average time to resolve a Security Incident across all Armor users.

The data in this graph includes information from all Armor users; this graph is not specific to your account.

This graph will update on a monthly basis.

Calculations for Average Response Times

The Average Armor Response Time and Average Customer Response Time scores are based on how long Armor or you (or someone on your account) take to respond to a Security Incident.

Review the following table to understand how a score is determined.

If you or Armor responds to a ticket within 1 day, then a score will not be assigned.



Health Status


You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 2 days or less.

If you do not have any tickets opened, then you will receive a score of 10.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 2 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 3 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 4 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 5 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 6 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 7 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 14 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 30 days or more.



You or Armor has responded to a SecurityIncident in 45 days or more.


Improve your Response score

The Response score is based on how long Armor or you (or someone on your account) take to respond to a Security Incident. As a result, to improve your score, be sure to promptly reply to a support ticket from Armor.

You can update your notification settings so that you are notified about a support ticket via email.

To learn more, see Configure notification preferences.

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