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Selectively Provision Resources

Selectively Provision Resources

If you want to copy/update files from the architecture template without automatically deploying the resources, add the --skip-deploy true and --non-interactive true arguments to the command as shown below.

.tools/azure/ \
  --environment <ENVIRONMENT> \
  --location <LOCATION> \
  --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_ID> \
  --non-interactive true \
  --skip-deploy true \

This will enable you to modify the files before triggering a deployment.

Once all the template files are copied, update the environment.yaml file in the environment you want to customise. Add a skip_modules key if it doesn’t already exist, then add the paths to the modules you want to skip as keys, and set the value to true:

# Example for skipping modules. Update the azure regions as per your deployment
  southeastasia/security-dashboards: true
  southeastasia/security-management/data-stores: true
  southeastasia/security-log-analytics/services/data-stores: true
  southeastasia/security-log-analytics/services/soar-webhook-connector: true

Before disabling any modules, ensure that they don’t have any dependencies or that those dependencies are also disabled.

For updating templates in a specific directory use --template-path argument and supply path to your directory where XDR template files are generated by bootstrap script.

.tools/azure/ \
  --environment <ENVIRONMENT> \
  --location <LOCATION> \
  --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_ID> \
  --template-path <Path to your azure environment>
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